A business card reflects your personal brand. It is also a great marketing tool for you and your company. Especially at networking events, a business card is the first element that one of you receives, and therefore the first opportunity to impress that person. Therefore, creating a business card should not be taken lightly. Before ordering business card online, you must know a business card must be professional, understand clearly and reflect your brand image.
Now let's see do's and don'ts of business cards:
What to do with business cards
⦁ Keep it simple: Choose easy-to-read fonts that match the traditional size of business cards. Remember to use bright colors if you are in a traditional business like finance or advice. A light background like white, beige or light and dark gray text like black, navy blue or dark gray looks professional and easy to read. However, if you work in a creative company like an artist or fashion designer, adding some color won't hurt and can show your creative side.
⦁ Use the back of the card: When doing business with other countries, be sure to use the back of the card to print the same information in a different language. For example, someone who does business in the United States and Latin America would like information that one side is printed in English and Spanish on the other side.
⦁ Include correct information: Make sure your card contains relevant information. Your name, title, company name, logo, email address, and telephone number should appear perfectly on your business card. If space permits, your physical business address, company website, and mobile number may also appear on your card.
What not to do with business cards
⦁ Don't make it cheap: don't use thin, cheap paper. This can ask the other person about the quality of their services. You don't have to go to a professional designer to get a business card, you compare the print quality when buying your business card.
⦁ Do not use clip art: Never use clip arts on your business card. If you are self-employed and do not have a company logo, you can use a professional picture of yourself on the card. Another option could be to simply not use a picture or logotype and simply provide your name and title.
⦁ Don't keep outdated cards: If your cards have to stop and go to a networking event, take your outdated cards with an incorrect company name or email address. Instead, be honest and tell them that you no longer have business cards but want to email your information after the event.
Now let's see do's and don'ts of business cards:
What to do with business cards
⦁ Keep it simple: Choose easy-to-read fonts that match the traditional size of business cards. Remember to use bright colors if you are in a traditional business like finance or advice. A light background like white, beige or light and dark gray text like black, navy blue or dark gray looks professional and easy to read. However, if you work in a creative company like an artist or fashion designer, adding some color won't hurt and can show your creative side.
⦁ Use the back of the card: When doing business with other countries, be sure to use the back of the card to print the same information in a different language. For example, someone who does business in the United States and Latin America would like information that one side is printed in English and Spanish on the other side.
⦁ Include correct information: Make sure your card contains relevant information. Your name, title, company name, logo, email address, and telephone number should appear perfectly on your business card. If space permits, your physical business address, company website, and mobile number may also appear on your card.
What not to do with business cards
⦁ Don't make it cheap: don't use thin, cheap paper. This can ask the other person about the quality of their services. You don't have to go to a professional designer to get a business card, you compare the print quality when buying your business card.
⦁ Do not use clip art: Never use clip arts on your business card. If you are self-employed and do not have a company logo, you can use a professional picture of yourself on the card. Another option could be to simply not use a picture or logotype and simply provide your name and title.
⦁ Don't keep outdated cards: If your cards have to stop and go to a networking event, take your outdated cards with an incorrect company name or email address. Instead, be honest and tell them that you no longer have business cards but want to email your information after the event.
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