Foldable greeting cards are the industry standard, offering you four sides to work with instead of a flat greeting card. We have several paper options such as sparkly variants that will add a beautiful shine to your design and card. You can also choose from a variety of liners to enhance the greeting card you are making. Choose from a simple, cost-effective uncoated option if you don't need it, or opt for a richer UV coating, water coating, and matte coating for your foldable greeting card.
Tip: A tip when choosing your coating and paper, if you plan to write something on the inside, it is best to choose uncoated paper as writing on glossy paper is not easy.
- Different paper types such as standard glossy, thick glossy, premium glossy, standard glossy cover and standard uncoated.
- Print on the front or back only.
- Stunning print quality on a variety of card sizes from 4.25 "to 8.5".
- Choose a matching envelope at an affordable price, so that you do not have to pay attention to it separately.
All custom folded greeting cards are marked in Half-Fold / Bi-Fold and their design can be printed horizontally or vertically, whichever suits you best. Choosing the right orientation is important because it can help make your design and message more effective and effective.
Design services -
Take advantage of folding card design by adding this service to the above calculator. Send us your desired specifications and we will make the design from scratch, very exclusive and tailored to your needs and brand messages. Once you approve the design, we'll do the printing and deliver the foldable greeting card to your home.
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