Greeting cards are a great way to send your good wishes to clients, colleagues, friends, and family without spending too much money. Cards help create a better relationship between customers and businesses, but why choose custom printing when you can buy a regular card in the store?
Custom Foil Greeting Cards on foil is the right choice if you are looking for a custom design, a personal message, and if you want to print a specific number. It's also more cost-effective than buying them from the store, and you can get exactly what you want without compromising.
To put your makeup on in the crowd, print your greeting cards with embossed foil so your design or logo literally stands out from the paper. These folded foil embossed greeting cards have an embossed surface that makes the design stand out from the front and also have an eye-catching metallic effect to make it look elegant. If you want to make something to be remembered by your clients and friends, these foil greeting cards are sure to be. They are sure to be memorable and worthwhile.
Use case and applications
- Metallic relief effects enhance your design and message
- Excellent for sending special messages to VIP customers
- The luxurious suede finish paper is ideal for wedding invitations and baby showers.
- Special invitations to corporate events
- Invitations to the corporate anniversary party
- Employee thank you cards
- Greetings for the holidays
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